Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Shiatsu treatments are available in our Auckland or Tuakau clinics. Please see details below to make an appointment.
 What Shiatsu can do for you

Shi (finger) atsu (pressure) is a medically recognized Japanese healing art which is becoming increasingly popular; the origins of which date back over 5,000 years.

Zen Shiatsu is a gentle yet effective form of bodywork incorporating Pressure, Stretches, & Corrective Exercises, which has been used for centuries for Relaxation and Sports Injuries.

Our patients havesaid they have found Shiatsu helpful to relieve discomfort and pain, improve health and general wellbeing.
Shiatsu is also a wonderful relaxing treat to have during pregnancy.

Allow about one hour for your wonderfully relaxing shiatsu (acupressure massage) treatment. Please wear loose comfortable clothing (as no oils are used, the patient remains clothed during Shiatsu.)

Clinic Days:

Tuesdays: Ponsonby, Auckland
Monday & Wednesday--Friday: Tuakau (15 Mins from Pukekohe)
Every 2nd Thursday: Tauranga

Treat yourself to a shiatsu by New Zealand's top Shiatsu practitioner with 30 years of Shiatsu clinical experience.
Please phone the Shiatsu College Aotearoa 0800 SHIATSU (0800 744 2878) or mobile (0274) 79 00 68 for an appointment.

Diploma of Shiatsu

Zen Shiatsu is a wonderfully fascinating subject to pursue. The Diploma of Shiatsu is a three year part time comprehensive training  of shiatsu. The Shiatsu College Aotearoa provides a safe, supportive, learning environment, providing you with an opportunity to discover more and more about this inspiring system of health. 

International Recognition
The Diploma of Shiatsu meets  international standards and is recognised by the Shiatsu Practitioner Assoc. Aotearoa (NZ) Inc. and the NZ Charter of Health Practitioners Inc.


Year 1 - Shiatsu Foundation Year
This is the first year of the 3 year Shiatsu Diploma course. In this course you will learn and develop fundamental Shiatsu Techniques and theory.
   We begin the year with "what you can’t learn from a book"
  • How to apply the right amount of body weight
  • Correct body posture
  • How to co-ordinate your breath.
   This is a practical "hands-on" year with theory interwoven with applied practice.
   Please allow for 2-4 hours Shiatsu practice and homework per week.

Year 2
   Zen Shiatsu becomes a way of being rather than a way of doing.
   In the 2nd year specialised subjects and techniques, along with more in-depth theory is learnt and developed.

 Year 3
During the whole training there is an awareness of refining techniques with the understanding and application of Shiatsu to suit individual needs, particularly in the 3rd year. The emphasis this year is on gaining the skills and developing professional and personal competence towards becoming a Health (Shiatsu) Practitioner.

Other Course Requirements.
Students are required to obtain the following certificates at other institutions :
Certificate of Anatomy and Physiology - 100 hours. min. Ask us if you require contact name and telephone for local polytechs or correspondence courses available. This is required for Year 1 Zen Shiatsu Diploma.
First Aid Certificate complying with NZQA units 6400 & 6402.  This is required for Year 3 Zen Shiatsu Diploma.

Recommended Reading.
Zen Shiatsu. by Shizuto Masunaga.
Do-it Yourself Shiatsu by Wataru Ohashi.

Val Cooksley ND.,L.S.O.M.(London), Dip Cosm., Dip Shiatsu.
Director and founder of the Shiatsu College Aotearoa has 30 years extensive Shiatsu clinical and teaching experience. Also qualified as a Naturopath she draws from a vast pool of knowledge and understanding, which she shares with wisdom and compassion. Past President of the NZ Charter of Health Presidential Board. Val originally studied Shiatsu at the East West Centre/Community Health Foundation, London.
She is a member of the Shiatsu Practitioner Assoc Aotearoa (SPAA) Naturopath & a registered Natural Health Practitioner with the NZ Charter of Health Practitioner Inc.

About Us at Shiatsu College Aotearoa

 The Shiatsu College Aotearoa is dedicated to promoting a thorough understanding of Shiatsu concepts, and  providing tuition of the highest quality, by experienced and qualified teachers and practitioners. Classes are kept small to encourage a high standard of individual tuition.
The Shiatsu College Aotearoa is the oldest established school of Shiatsu in New Zealand. One of the unique advantages the college has to offer is the enormous wealth of knowledge and experience gained from 30 years of teaching and practising Shiatsu, and the compassion and willingness of the teachers to share this knowledge.

The college aims to train people to:
 • Make shiatsu available to all as an enjoyable technique to help themselves and others.
   • Become your own health practitioner in your home and your Life!
   • Gain practical skills to maintain health in daily life.
   • Become professionally involved in Shiatsu.
    Our policy is to make Shiatsu available to the widest possible spectrum of society.

The Shiatsu College offers:
   • Introductory Shiatsu workshops
   • Shiatsu Foundation year
   • Diploma of Shiatsu
   • Short courses throughout the year on related subjects -

   Shiatsu during pregnancy
   Facial Diagnosis
   Introduction to Oriental Medicine and Philosophy
   Nutrition & Macrobiotic Cooking Classes
   Acupressure point location and function
   Self-Shiatsu ( Do-In) and relaxation classes


The Shiatsu College Aotearoa

Was established in response to many requests for an opportunity to :

Provide professional Shiatsu practitioner training up to NZ and International Standards. Our 3 year Diploma of Shiatsu is recognised by the Shiatsu Practitioners Association Aotearoa Inc. and the NZ Charter of Health Practitioners Inc.
Encourage self responsibility for ones own Health & Vitality, through observing, understanding and living the   harmonious way of nature.
Improve the quality of life for all, by providing relevant training, education, sharing of skills, information and ideas, and  have fun!
Support and encourage the use of these skills to reduce pain and suffering in others and self, and be of benefit to all.

Experience counts -  One of the oldest, sophisticated and beneficial complete systems of Health and Fitness.