This Workshop is presented by Saskatoon's Shiatsu Master Yuki Sugimoto of the Saskatoon Shiatsu Centre and Training Institute (NHPC) Canada. The Shiatsu Massage Training Institute is the only one of its kind in Saskatchewan, Canada. Master Sugimoto has 20 years experience teaching Shiatsu.
You will learn:
- Simple Shiatsu Technique
- Simple Shiatsu Application
- Location of tsubos (pressure points)
- Meridian Stretches (taiso)
- Hip, Back, Sciatic Techniques
- Circulation Rotation Technique
- Shiatsu Self-treatment
- Wrapping Technique
Date: Saturday 25th May 2013.
Time: 10am to 4.30pm
Where: Kawakawa Room, Wellpark College
6 Francis Street, Grey Lynn Auckland
Registration Fee : $250 per pair of participants
OR $140 for single participants.
Please bring: 2 pillows & towels (medium size)
AND Lunch & a snack to share
To Register please email: shiatsucollege@gmail.com
Ph/ text: 0274 790068
Please register, limited space
Please check back here later for more Workshops in 2013.
Please check back here later for more Workshops in 2013.